Change is scary, I get it

Managment sends an email to everyone announcing a new feature that is coming soon and that there will be a presentation/training from a third party to show everyone what it is and how it works on a specific date the following week.

Within minutes of the email going out, half the staff gets on the phone or rushing to my desk to ask me:

  • What is this new feature?
  • How will it affect me?
  • Why do I have to be there?
  • I am unable to attend, schedule a presentation/training around my personal availability. (no please or thank you)
  • Will I have to learn a new password?

Did I mention I was already on the phone with my child’s school because she was having an asthma attack at the time? 

I do not recommend computer support if you are an empath and have difficulty dealing with multiple people panicking and looking at you for rescue at the exact same time.

I understand that change is scary. I understand that knowing that a new feature is coming soon and having to wait a few days before knowing exactly what this new feature does is scary. I understand that part of my job is to reassure people that the world isn’t coming to an end and that change can be good. I’m happy to do so as long as you are approaching me with fear, worry, respect and not anger and annoyance.

Change is always preceded by confusion and trial and error learning. My advice, take time to breathe before reacting to fight or flight instinct. You are a professional in the workplace.

If the president of the company makes an announcement and asks you to be present, I would not try to negotiate my way out of it because you have already decided you are not going to use the new feature without knowing what it does. I would make the effort to be present and if absolutely impossible would speak directly with the president or my manager to see if arrangements can be made. I wouldn’t assume that the company will bend to my schedule. You are not the only employee.

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