Pocahontas – Myths vs. Facts

native-american-28815_1280Do you know the real story of Pocahontas? It’s definitely not the version you learned from Disney. The real story of Pocahontas is much more disturbing than you’ve been led to believe.

Earlier this year, Donald Trump uses Pocahontas as his insult of choice for Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Calling woman with native roots Pocahontas is racist, misogynistic, and dehumanising.

It is amazing to me when I meet anyone not understanding what is wrong with calling someone Pocahontas. 

First of all, Pocahontas was a nickname which meant “playful one” or “ill-behaved child”. Her real name was Amonute.

She was a child when taken to England. There were no love stories with John Smith here. Once in England, Amonute was brainwashed. She has paraded around as an example of a civilised savage. It was one of the pre-cursor for forcing native children into residential schools where they were physically and mentally abused and even killed.

She was eventually given a choice to return home or stay. She obviously chose to stay as she had been thought to view her own people as dirty uneducated savages.

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