School Refusal

School refusal is a result of school phobia, bullying, life trauma, anxiety, depression. This can result in non-attendance in school. I’m facing this with my child who is dealing with mental health issues. We are doing everything we are supposed to do. She stayed in a mental hospital for a short time. We are getting help from a social worker from the CLSC. We are working with the school. Getting my daughter to school is still a daily struggle. We are on a waiting list of a psychologist. Sometimes she get physically ill and it’s impossible to force her.

Identifying the root cause

Identifying the root causes of chronic absenteeism is not easy. In our case, we know exactly what the cause is and yet, I feel so alone and without answer as to how to solve the issue.

Chronic absenteeism is a stronger predictor of dropouts than low grades. She’s already planning to drop school as soon as she is legally old enough to do so.

It’s important that vulnerable families get increased support, in tandem with more social and emotional learning in schools, not treats or judgment.

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